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当前位置:首页 > 舞蹈芭蕾 > 2017第四届城市戏剧节 艾美奖编导作品 美国BodyVox舞团《城市草原 Urban Meadow》 北京站
2017第四届城市戏剧节 艾美奖编导作品 美国BodyVox舞团《城市草原 Urban Meadow》 北京站

2017第四届城市戏剧节 艾美奖编导作品 美国BodyVox舞团《城市草原 Urban Meadow》 北京站 [热卖]

演出地点:中华世纪坛当代艺术馆 剧场[乘车路线

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2017第四届城市戏剧节 艾美奖编导作品 美国BodyVox舞团《城市草原 Urban Meadow》 北京站介绍

 荣获艾美奖的舞蹈编导Jamey Hampton 和Ashley Roland于1997年创立BodyVox(体之音)舞蹈团,并担当艺术总监。BodyVox以视觉艺术鉴赏力独树一帜,以机敏和幽默把舞蹈、戏剧和电影融合一体,体现在丰富的图像、体韵和幽默上。

  《城市草原 Urban Meadow》由多部现代舞短剧组成,融入戏剧表演元素,集Bodyvox近年来优秀舞蹈作品的精华,连贯成了一场美国现代舞秀。





  舞蹈Dancers:Alicia Cutaia,Daniel Kirk, Brent Luebbert, Anna Marra,Ashley Roland, Scott Stampone

  编舞Choreography:Jamey Hampton, Ashley Roland


  The Bunny

  音乐Music:Mitchell Froom

  舞蹈Dancers:Alicia Cutaia, Daniel Kirk, Brent Luebbert,

  Anna Marra, Eric Skinner

  编舞Choreography:Jamey Hampton, Ashley Roland


  Treadmill Softly

  音乐Music:Johann Strauss, Jr.

  编舞Choreography:Jamey Hampton, Ashley Roland

  导演Film Direction: Mitchell Rose


  Little Drop of Poison

  音乐Music:Tom Waits

  舞蹈Dancers:Daniel Kirk, Ashley Roland

  编舞Choreography:Jamey Hampton, Ashley Roland



  音乐Music:Tom Waits

  舞蹈Dancers: Alicia Cutaia,Eric Skinner

  编舞Choreography:Jamey Hampton


  Urban Meadow

  音乐Music:Vivek Maddala

  舞蹈Dancers: Alicia Cutaia, Daniel Kirk, Brent Luebbert, Anna Marra,

  Ashley Roland, Eric Skinner, Scott Stampone

  编舞Choreography: Ashley Roland, Jamey Hampton



  音乐Music:John Lurie

  舞蹈Dancer:Brent Luebbert

  编舞Choreography: Ashley Roland


  Hopper’s Dinner

  音乐Music: Tom Waits

  舞蹈Dancers: Daniel Kirk,Brent Luebbert,Anna Marra,

  Ashley Roland,Eric Skinner

  编舞Choreography: Jamey Hampton, Ashley Roland


  由曾获艾美奖的编舞Jamey Hampton和Ashley Roland率领的BodyVox舞团,其知名特色是极富活力的视觉效果,巧妙的构思,以及独创性地将舞蹈、戏剧及电影合成充满丰富的画面感、运动感和幽默感的令人赞叹不已的作品。自1997年创立至今,BodyVox多次登上世界知名舞蹈场馆演出,创作出了8部获奖影片、18部原创舞蹈演出和3部歌剧作品,总计200多段原创舞蹈段落。Hampton和Roland都是一流的独特的艺术家,长年与富有创新意识的舞蹈团体进行合作,如Momix,ISO Dance,以及Pilobous。


  JAMEY HAMPTON(艺术总监),在过去四十年的传奇性职业生涯里,涉足了舞蹈、戏剧、电视和电影行业。高中时,他是名优秀的运动员,在进入达特茅斯学院后,成为极有竞争力的滑雪运动员和皮划艇运动员,也正是在达特茅斯,Jamey迫不及待地开始了他的舞蹈生涯,在攻读戏剧学士学位时,遇见了Piloblus舞蹈剧团。离开达特茅斯后,他随着Pilobolus舞蹈剧团巡演全世界达五年之久。1997年他和合作伙伴Ashley Roland一同创办了BodyVox。如今的BodyVox,已经在全世界观众中享有极高知名度,是一家以充沛的活力和深刻的想象力着称的极富能量的独特舞蹈团体。

  ASHLEY ROLAND(艺术总监),凭借着不同寻常的编舞想象力和敏锐度,她的作品无拘无束,活力四射,纯真自然,在全世界的观众中引起非凡的反响。她协助创建了MOMIX,并在巴黎、伦敦、东京、罗马、纽约、洛杉矶、里约热内卢等几乎全世界所有主要城市。1987年,她和合作伙伴Jamey Hampton创办了ISO(“我如此乐观开怀”),并为Issey Miyake的时装秀、为包括U2、Sting、Simply Red、Pat Methney的MV拍摄进行编舞工作;还参加David Bowie的Glass Spider巡回演唱会的编务工作。Ashley也曾获得无数奖项,包括为ISO的“Episodes”而获得的艾美奖,为BodyVox和Mitchell Rose合作的系列影片《当代白日梦》而获得的美国编舞奖。



  Urban Meadow

  About the Artist

  JAMEY HAMPTON (Artistic Director) has had a storied career in dance, theater, television, and film that has spanned four decades. Born in Portland, Oregon, he was a distinguished athlete in high school, receiving varsity letters in track and football. He attended Dartmouth college, where he was a competitive ski racer, rugby player, as well as rowing stroke on the freshman crew team. Dartmouth was also where Jamey began dancing in earnest, meeting Pilobolus Dance Theater while pursuing a BFA degree in Theater. After Dartmouth, he danced with Pilobolus around the world for 5 years. He then helped form and danced with MOMIX from 1982-87, followed by ISO Dance from 1987-1995. In 1997, he formed BodyVox with his partner, Ashley Roland. Now in its 18th season, BodyVox is a vibrant and singular dance company known to audiences worldwide for its compellingly ebullient and deeply imaginative work.

  ASHLEY ROLAND (Artistic Director) is a true American original. With an unparalleled imagination and an acuity in both choreography and theatrical effect, she creates work that is unbridled, ebullient, and unabashed, resonating deeply with audiences around the world. She helped form MOMIX, setting off on a string of international tours that took her to Paris, London, Tokyo, Rome, New York, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, and virtually every major city in the world. In 1987, she formed ISO (I'm So Optimistic) with her partner Jamey Hampton, as well as choreographing several international fashion shows for Issey Miyake, and making videos for music artists including U2, Sting, Simply Red, Pat Metheny, and choreographing the Glass Spider Tour for David Bowie.?Ashley is the recipient of numerous awards, including an Emmy for her work on ISO's "Episodes", and an American Choreography Award for her work on the BodyVox/Mitchell Rose film series "Modern Daydreams."

  About the Company

  Led by Emmy Award-winning choreographers Jamey Hampton and Ashley Roland, BodyVox is known for its visual virtuosity, distinctive wit and unique ability to combine dance, theater and film into breathtaking productions rich in imagery, athleticism and humor. Since its founding in 1997, BodyVox has toured to critical acclaim on stages around the world, developed 8 award winning films, 18 original shows and 3 operas, featuring over 200 original dances.

  Based in Portland, Oregon, BodyVox’s movement surges from a fascination with the endless possibilities of the human body in motion, informed by years of cross training and layers of experience. Hampton and Roland are distinguished artists on the world stage, formed by their years working as creators and performers with innovative dance companies Momix, ISO Dance, and Pilobolus. BodyVox builds upon this tradition of excellence with a unique voice that is equally influenced by its Northwest roots and world view.

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